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Samia: Tanzania gearing up to connect countries through rail, road

Posted on : Thursday , 26th May 2022

Tanzania is ready for regional integration and is in the process of completing road and railway networks with the goal of linking neighbouring countries,  

hence contributing to continental integration efforts, President Samia Suluhu Hassan has said.


Connecting Africa

However, the country will need more external funding to finance the construction of the next phases of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR)  

as well as proposed highways to Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, she said on Wednesday in Ghana after receiving an award for her country's recent infrastructure projects.


"It is my belief that with connecting the RECs (regional economic community blocs), eventually our entire continent will be connected," she said.  


"We think that the connectivity shall play a major role within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA).  


"If we must progress, Africa must produce, process and trade within its boundaries. The connectivity must begin within our national boundaries then extend within our regional economic blocs then eventually to the entire continent."

Source : www.theeastafrican.co.ke
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