M a r k e t N e w s

US-based Louis Berger to construct US$ 9.0m section of Yaounde-Douala highway in Cameroon

Posted on : Thursday , 11th September 2014

Louis Berger, an engineering services company based in US has secured a five-year contract for construction works to improve a section of the Yaoundé-Douala highway in Cameroon. The contract is a five-year engagement that will see the country’s Yaoundé diplomatic region connected to the country’s Douala deepwater port.

Construction works on the Yaoundé-Douala highway by Louis Berger will make the road a straighter and safer two-lane motorway.

The highway is a busy one, attracting truck traffic and is characterized by poor maintenance and many curves, according to the company. Indeed, Louis Berger has characterized it as one of the deadliest in the Central African region.

“The new 236km highway will lead to reduced travel time and will hopefully have a positive impact on the international transportation, because Cameroon is a key transit country for the landlocked countries of Central Africa.” Said the company’s head of Africa operations, Jean-Pierre Dupacq.

Source : constructionreviewonline.com
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